Congratulations for Dr Zhaoning Hu for his second paper in Advanced Materials, entitled “Rapid and Scalable Transfer of Large‐area Graphene Wafers”
2023-04-01A warm welcome to Zhiying Xu from Ocean University of China join our group as Ph.D candidate!
2023-03-01Welcome Dr. Chaofan Zhou from CAS and Lingmiao Ma from Zhengzhou University join our group!
2023-01-04Congratulations for Yixuan Zhao for her first paper in Nature Communications, entitled “Large-area transfer of two-dimensional materials free of cracks, contamination and wrinkles via controllable conformal contact”
2022-10-01Congratulations for Dr Zhaoning Hu for his first paper in Advanced Functional Materials, entitled “Doping of graphene films: Open the way to applications in electronics and optoelectronics”
2022-09-15New special issue entitled “The Roadmap of Graphene: From Fundamental Research to Broad Applications” was released in Advanced Functional Materials on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Zhongfan Liu, a world-famous expert in graphene research.
2022-09-10We welcome Dr. Zhaoning Hu from Nanyang Technological University join our group as a Research Associate!
2022-08-20A warm welcome to Sensheng Chen from Taiyuan University of Technology and Dr. Saiyu Bu from Shanghai Jiaotong University join our group!
2022-08-01We have set up a new commercial group “孵烯转移” led by Dr. Yunqiao Fu in BGI, targeting the commercialization of graphene transfer techniques.
2022-07-25Welcome Zhuofeng Shi and Yaqi Zhu from Qingdao University join our group!